Funny history, I was working for this company in Brazil and we were using a xmpp protocol based application as an internal communicator and in that time I was very curious about chatbots and I was doing some tests with IBM Watson, was more a study than an actual project for the company.
So, yeah, sometimes I get bored and to put my mind to work I’ve started with the xmpp integration. Pretty simple, I’m java developer and there’s a java library for almost everything. Cool, next step… watson which was also easy as they provide a java library to integrate with the server.
I didn’t want to waste too much time, so I did a simple configuration in the NLP, every time somebody asks me for help, the application will respond with a different way to say that I was busy. Isn’t it really helpful when you’re focused on something else?
The problem was when I wired the application into the xmpp server, turns out that I didn’t know that the xmpp listener was called even when the other user joined the server without sending me any message. :D
So, after one week I discovered that I was sending non-sense messages continuously to my co-workers. :D Well my POC didn’t have any unit or integration test, so… Yeah, be careful before sending something to production, I’ve learned my lesson.